【双语视听】Grain Rain & the UN’s Chinese Language Day 当“谷雨”和“中文日”相遇

时间:2023-04-20 11:32:56 来源: 郑州日报

Grain Rain



By Liu Yuxi (Tang Dynasty)


Every moment of time should be cherished.


As is the welcoming scenery of late Spring.


Amidst the forests and wilderness, the wind rises.


Before the pavilions, the valley rain brings clear skies.


This is a poem about the grain rain by Liu Yuxi, Tang Dynasty poet born in Zhengzhou. Grain Rain, one of the 24 solar terms coincides with the UN’s Chinese Language Day. In the most beautiful time of the year, let us revel in the beauty of Zhengzhou"s scenery and indulge in the pleasure of reading good poetry.


Grain Rain brings with it gentle breezes and light drizzles, nourishing the growth of all living things. From this point on, spring gradually fades into early summer. Let us follow the footsteps of spring, and embrace the best time of the year.



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