NASA宇航员太空盗窃银行账户 只因离婚纠纷

时间:2019-10-03 13:09:58 来源: 环球时报

这个奇怪的指控是针对美国宇航局宇航员Anne McClain的,她与她的前任 Summer Worden卷入了一场激烈的离婚战。

Via RT

Ms McClain and Ms Worden, who is an Air Force intelligence officer, married in 2014 and Ms Worden filed for divorce in 2018. Investigators from Nasa's Office of Inspector General have contacted both over the allegation, the New York Times reported.

据《纽约时报》报道,McClain 和空军情报官Worden于2014年结婚,Worden于2018年提出离婚。美国宇航局监察长办公室的调查人员已就这一指控与两人进行了联系。



The complaint accused McClain of identity theft and improper access to Worden’s private financial records, the New York Times is reporting. A lawyer for McClain told the newspaper that the astronaut was merely tending the couple’s still-connected finances.

据“纽约时报”报道,该诉讼指控McClain 身份盗窃和不正当访问Worden的私人财务记录。McClain 的一位律师告诉《纽约时报》,这位宇航员只是在打理这对伴侣的共同财产。

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